Thank You! October 08 2016

We would like to thank every one who joined us for our 9th Annual Alpaca Farm Days Weekend.  We hope that all of our guest enjoyed their visit!  We also extend our gratitude to all of our volunteers who make Farm Days possible every year!

Our Alpaca Shop is now open for our Fall Season!  We will be open on Saturdays from 10am until 3pm through the Christmas season. In addition, we will be open by appointment on days and times other than listed above.

As always, for our guests who are unable to visit our shop in person, we are open 24/7 online.  For our online shoppers with questions about our inventory or products not listed online, please reach out to us via phone or email and we can answer any questions you may have.


Again, our thanks to every one involved to make Alpaca Days possible and successful.